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The territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality of Sta. Magdalena is comprised of some 4706.443 hectares of land mass and areas of sea territory. The local government unit is politically subdivided into 14 barangays, dispersed geographically in the lowlands of Poblacion (4 barangays) and upland (10 barangays). It has 13 coastal barangays and 1 inland barangay (La Esperanza).

The Servant Leaders

As mandated by RA 1760 or Local Government Code of 1991, Sta. Magdalena as a 5th class municipality is governed by a Municipal Mayor, chosen through an election. His working staffs are civil service permanent employees and job order employees.
The legislative body, the Sanggunian Bayan with the Vice Mayor as the Presiding Officer has 10 council members, 1 comes from the league of barangays and 1 from the Sanggunian Kabataan as ex-official members. The other 8 members are elected.
The Barangay Government is headed by a Barangay Chairman with his nominated staff and 7 elected barangay council members. All elected local officials are mandated to serve for 3 years.
Vision and Strategies
We envision Sta. Magdalena as a God-loving, eco-friendly, peaceful, healthy and happy community with sustainable economic programs and opportunities undertaken through active, meaningful and effective CSO-LGU-NGA partnership towards becoming a 4rd Class model municipality in the Bicol Region.
Ensure disaster resiliency and climate change adaptability
Institutionalize people’s participation in governance
Intensify compliance of laws, rules and regulations
Achieve quality and transformative education
Increase income capacities and opportunities
Deliver quality basic social services