The LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT OF STA. MAGDALENA, SORSOGON, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites suppliers to apply for eligibility and to bid for the hereunder project:
Name of Project: Supply & Deliveryy of Materials for Construction of Placenta & Sharp Vault
Location: LGU, MMRF Site, Bgy. San Rafael, Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon
Brief Descriptio: Supply & Delivery of ff. construction materials, 546 pcs. 4” CHB, 99 bags Portland
Cement, 12 ou.m. Washed Sand, 6 cu.m Gravel, 84pcs. 100mm dia. X 6m. RSB,
8kls. Tie Wire, 2 sets 4 dia. PVC Pipe with cover S-1000, 3pcs. ¼” thk Marine
Plywood, 4pcs. Construction Pail, 50 pcs. 2” x 3”x 10” Cocolumber, 8kls. Assorted
CW Nails.
Approved Budget for the Contract: P67,773.00
Funding Source: MCP
Delivery Period: Thirty (30) calendar days
Prospective bidders should have experience in undertaking a similar delivery & supply within the last two (2) years with an amount of at least 50% of the proposed project for bidding. The Eligibility Check/Screening as well as the Preliminary Examination of Bids shall use non-discretionary “pass/fail” criteria. Post-qualification of the lowest calculated bid shall be conducted.
All particulars relative to Eligibility Statement and Screening, Bid Security, Performance Security, Pre-Bidding Conference(s), Evaluation of Bids, Post-Qualification and Award of Contract shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of R.A. 9184 and its Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR). Prospective bidders should be registered with the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) at
The schedule of activities is listed, as follows:
Activities – Schedule
Issuance of Bid Documents – September 14, 2017
Pre-bid Conference – None
Submission of and Opening of Bids – September 21, 2017
Bid Documents will be available only to prospective bidders upon payment of a non-refundable amount of Five Hundred Pesos (₱500.00) to the LGU Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon Cashier. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the BAC Secretariat, Municipal Building, Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon, contact 0918-6572703.
The LGU Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
Approved by:
(SGD) ANITA B. CORREA Dates of Posting: September 14 to 21, 2017
BAC Chairperson
